life is meant to be felt in your body



somatic experiencing

body movement & awareness facilitator




Counseling Services

Katie Jolicoeur offers Somatic Counseling Services for Mothers and Women who are looking to connect with their true selves.

Through individual sessions and group programs she uses somatic experiencing to create shift in the physiology of the nervous system. Building your capacity and ability to navigate overwhelm, anger, loss of self, anxiety, depression - the feeling that you’re drowning, or unsure where you see yourself in your life - creating deep change and feelings of ease and connection to self.



photos capture so much more than a moment.

they tell stories, yours and theirs.

Katie loves to capture raw, real, unposed moments in time - reflecting back the beauty of your life.



writings and ramblings are meant to make you feel, too acknowledge a truth inside of you.

it is not always there to make you feel comfortable, but maybe comforted in the knowing you are never alone.